Coincidence Synchronity, Seriality and Chance
from the PHASE Lecture Series
April 20-21, 1996
Robert Schmidt presents a fresh view on coincidence and astrology. Different views of chance such as Kammerer’s seriality and Jung’s synchronicity are presented and looked at in the context of the problem of astrology.
A new look at the nature of coincidence, and its bearing on astrology, science, and daily life. What kind of phenomena are astrological? Distinguishing different kinds of coincidence. The concept of an event in classical astrology. Chance & Heimarmene in Greek thought. Critique of Jung’s concept of Synchronicity and of the modern scientific definition of Chance. Coincidence as repetition: a way of studying it “scientifically” based on the work of Paul Kammerer. The mesocosm as the proper stage for coincidence. The prevalence of coincidence in daily life. A criterion for distinguishing whether astrological events are synchronistic or causal. A new explanation of psycho-physical parallelisms. How Chance, Seriality and Synchronicity are related to each other.
12 hours of audio
About the PHASE Lecture Series
COINCIDENCE: Synchronicity, Seriality, & Chance
Coincidence 1A
Coincidence 1B
Coincidence 2A
Coincidence 2B
Coincidence 3A
Coincidence 3B
Coincidence 4A
Coincidence 4B
Coincidence 5A
Coincidence 5B
Coincidence 6A
Coincidence 6B
Coincidence 7A
Coincidence 7B
Coincidence 8A
Coincidence 8B