The History of the Nativity

March 1-2, 1997

Robert Schmidt takes a new look at what sort of spaciality and temporality belong to astrology. Rather than simply studying astrology historically, how can historical principles be applied to the nativity? This exploration involves the role of the natal chart as ‘general’ to additional charts as ‘specific’ such as returns, conceptions, and transits. This includes the Greek view of the natal chart as hypostasis and the relation of subsidiary charts as moments in an astrological history or destiny. Schmidt rounds out the discussion with a return to planets as consciousnesses which shape the temporal and spacial fields, a la Kant.

Should history be studied astrologically? And vice versa, how can historical principles be applied to the nativity? Vico and the new science of history - 'two eyes of history'. Distinction of certes and commune. Natal chart as hypostasis. Plotinus's' hypostasis as overflow of one world to create next world. Valens' katebole or throwing down. Radix as root of something which develops not a Hellenistic description for the natal chart. Antigenesis charts compete with natal. Conception charts as arche, natal chart as katarche, transits as apotelesmatics. Temporality of astrology - aspect tense. Natal chart as possibilities, timelords as more possible (probabilities) and transits as actualities. Natal astrology vs general (natural) astrology. Planets as consciousnesses which impose form on time and space. Kepler's organ of perception in the soul. Fates - fortune as that which accompanies intentional activity. Aesclepius - necessity acts as ordering principle. Stoic concept of free will as assent or refusal. Remembering vs recollection. Astrological topics constituting historical space. Hegel's criticism of astrology. Synthetic activity of the mind and tuche/order. Should the nativity be understood to have a history or a destiny?

The History of the Nativity

12 hours of audio

    1. About the PHASE Lecture Series

    1. The History of the Nativity

    2. History of the Nativity 1A

    3. History of the Nativity 1B

    4. History of the Nativity 2A

    5. History of the Nativity 2B

    6. History of the Nativity 3A

    7. History of the Nativity 3B

    8. History of the Nativity 4A

    9. History of the Nativity 4B

    10. History of the Nativity 5A

    11. History of the Nativity 5B

    12. History of the Nativity 6A

    13. History of the Nativity 6B

    14. History of the Nativity 7A

    15. History of the Nativity 7B

    16. History of the Nativity 8A

    17. History of the Nativity 8B

  • 18 lessons