FATE: Allotment & Decree
Course© 1996 Project Hindsight LLC This discussion centers on some of the ancient views on fate including, Heimarmene, Anangke, Pronoia, and Tuche in the Corpus Hermeticum.
Being and the Zodiac
Course© 1996 Project Hindsight LLC Robert Schmidt returns to the concept of Phasis and Logos, and deals with the three strata of Hellenistic astrology: Ptolemaic (scientific), Stoic (philosophic), and Egyptian (divinatory).
The Same and The Other
Course© 1996 Project Hindsight LLC This workshop begins with discussion of two primary philosophical concepts which are critical to an understanding of Hellenistic astrology - logos and phasis. Schmidt encourages investigation of first principles.
Coincidence Synchronity, Seriality and Chance
Course© 1996 Project Hindsight LLC Robert Schmidt presents a fresh view on coincidence and astrology. What kind of phenomena are astrological? What is the concept of an event in Classical astrology?
How We Aim Our Minds
Course© 1996 Project Hindsight LLC Schmidt argues that planets are consciousnesses and provides an example of a theoretical framework for astrology by relating them to the different metaphysical worlds proposed by Plato and others.
Astrology and the Rehabilitation of the Sciences: Logic, Mathematics & Physics
Course© 1995 Project Hindsight LLC Overture lectures given at the 2nd PHASE Conclave, arguing that Logic, Mathematics and Physics will have to be totally refurbished and rehabilitated before they can deal adequately with the question of Astrology.